Deciding if you should or shouldn’t renovate your bathroom before you sell is a question that always comes up…and the answer is always yes! Bathrooms are one thing in a property that tend to fade from looking gloriously new to used and need of an upgrade extremely quickly. With such a personal space, it is always a good idea for an upgrade before you sell.
Now, this doesn’t mean you have to rip up the whole bathroom and start again, although, if the bathroom is in pretty bad shape than you probably should.
There are a few key areas of your bathroom that, no matter what your bathroom looks like, you should always update before you sell.
Firstly, updating your vanity is of utmost importance. Vanities, especially if they are cheap vanities, wear and break quickly, they stain easily and need updating fairly quickly. As a key piece in the bathroom, they are typically easier to replace instead of repairing. One great thing about vanities is that there is a wide variety of styles and designs. This means that your bathroom can get a totally new look with just changing one little thing, such as a vanity.

Another reasonably cheap upgrade to make to your bathroom is to upgrade your bathroom mirror. With this, you can purchase a cheap mirror or an expensive one and it doesn’t really matter too much. They are an essential to any bathroom and a great way to make the space look bigger. Typically, the bigger the better when it comes to bathroom mirrors. This is because bathrooms are usually small, and having a big mirror will allow the light to reflect off the mirror and allow the room to look all that much bigger.

Updating your toilet is also a great update to make before selling your property. The reason for this should be fairly obvious…it’s a toilet! No one wants to use an old toilet! If the toilet is in perfect condition all but the the lid, for example, just get a new lid. However, it is always advised that the the toilet is updated prior to selling.
And finally, most showers and baths need an upgrade. However, this is usually the priciest part of the bathroom, so it is totally understandable that updating this area is not an option for some people. Instead of spending a bunch of money on getting a new bath, do small updates that could make the world of difference! Fixing or updating any tapes are a great way to give the bath or shower a new face without emptying your pockets. Similarly, getting new tiles and retiling the area is a great idea. Tiles and grout become mouldy quickly so redoing this is a great way to make the area look new!

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