Without even knowing it, we set goals everyday. Goals can be something small and trivial such as wanting to get to work 15 minutes early so you don’t have to stay back late. Goals can also be something huge such as wanting to start your own renovating business. Goals can, therefore, be thought of as the wants and desires we have in life. On the other hand, goals can also be thought of as the needs we have in life. In this respect, you may need to get to work early because you have an appointment after you finish. On a larger scale, you may need to start your own business because you are not passionate about your current job and feel an urge to pursue your passion to better yourself and those around you.
But, if we encounter these goals every day how do we plan to achieve them? Sure, you could just quit your job and try to start up your own business that way, but that is not the most financially, emotionally or time effective way to go about the process. This, therefore, is where planning your goals comes into play.
Fortunately, most of us do an element of this process subconsciously. If you want to get to work 15 minutes early that means you will have to wake up earlier, leave the house earlier, drop the kids to school earlier, account for traffic on the drive to work and ensure you have your keys to actually get into work. When it comes to larger scale issues, though, a bit more planning must go into the process.
The most effective way to set goals is to physically write down your goal on a piece of paper. Bold it, highlight it, underline it, colour it. Do everything you can to emphasize your goal and the importance of it. Stick it on your wall, around your house, in your wallet or anywhere else the goal is important. Not only will this reinforce your goal but you will become more motivated to being the steps necessary to achieve the goal.
Next, create a mind-map of everything that the goal will affect. This will most likely include finances and family as the two main priorities. Similarly, create another mind-map that outlines some vague steps into how to achieve your goal. You can do this without having researched anything about the process. This is to act as a rough guideline for the process.
After this, researching is key. Talk to people about your goal, ask if they have experience anything similar, do research online, read books and watch videos all about your goal, how to achieve your goal and what it will entail. This is the best way to prepare yourself for what is to come.
Image via silkhome.com.au
Finally, writing a list by hand of everything you need to do to achieve your goal is absolutely essential. Physically writing down what you need to do will reinforce the processes and will encourage you to get started.
Goal setting is a great way to ensure that you will achieve what you want to in the most effective way possible.
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