Visual boredom is something that can affect you no matter where you are
Do you remember that feeling that you got when you were younger and you’d change around your bedroom? That really refreshed invigorated feeling that you received every time you went into that space?
Well, there is actual science behind that.
There’s something that is called visual boredom or environmental boredom. It’s when we get really used to and accustomed to our spaces.
For those of you who haven’t met me before, I’m Naomi Findlay and I work with entrepreneurs, businesses and homeowners on creating healthy, wealthy and beautiful spaces for them to thrive and grow in.
Today, we’re talking about how visual boredom can affect you at home.
There’s been some great studies that have come out that have linked visual boredom and environmental boredom to adult ADHD and some other depressive or mental illnesses that effect how we work in our workspace.
How do we avoid this?
That’s a really interesting question. I’ve been asked this a lot lately.
One of the things to do is always change it up.
This doesn’t have to be an expensive exercise. There are a couple of things you can do in your home office, for example, to help alleviate visual boredom.
You can look at the way your desk is positioned and see whether every 6 to 12 months you could possibly change the position of your chair so you have a different outlook or you could change the location of your desk.
But, in a work space or in a home office, there are a pile of other ways that you can make sure that you’re changing up your environment to make sure that you don’t self-medicate yourself with some visual boredom.
You can look at the colours that are in your office, the colours of the stationary that you’re using, the desk lamp you’re using or even the way you position things on your desk.
These can all be things that can help break a cycle of visual boredom from setting up in the first place.
The thing I’d love to see everybody do is go have a look at your home offices or go have a look at where you’re actually working.
Check out whether there’s one or even two things that you can change to help create some difference in your environment and in your space to make sure that you’re not self-medicating yourself with visual boredom.
If you’d like to learn more about how your spaces can nurture your creativity, productivity and effect the bottom line of your businesses and your efficiency, click here.
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