If you knew you could spend one thousand dollars on preparing your property for sale and optimising your property presentation today in order to earn six to ten thousand dollars within 6-10 weeks, would you do it?
You don’t have any money to spend you say?

Investing between 0.5-1.0 % of the property value can yield up to 17% of their property value in financial wins.
Still not convinced? Check out some of our success stories here:
Length of time previously on the market | 4 weeks |
Best offer prior to staging | $500,000 |
Cost of styling | $2,860 |
Sale price | $530,000 |
Length of time on the market | Sold prior to auction |
Length of time previously on the market | 12 months |
Vendor Expectation | $1,500,000 |
Cost of styling | $2,300 |
Sale price | $2,000,000 |
Length of time on the market | 5 days |
Vendor Expectation | $900,000 |
Cost of styling (for me to complete) | $980 |
Sale price | $1,005,000 |
Length of time on the market | Auction |
Want to know more? Check out our free resources that will help you spend money in a smarter manner to increase your return on investment when preparing your home for sale. Get your free resources here.
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