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The Rapid Reno Mate App team are so excited to announce the winner of the Ultimate Renovator’s Prize…Mario Chrisanthou!
Judged by Carpet Court Ambassador Darren Palmer, Mario’s entry was a hit!

“Given the creativity of Mario and his family’s entry, I can’t wait to see what creative solutions they come up with for their family kitchen, I’m sure they’ll also have a lot of fun creating new and interesting culinary delights, and no one has to be the family dishwasher”.
Mario has won $16,000 in cash and prizes in celebration of the Rapid Reno Mate App Launch last month. The prize includes vouchers from Beaumont Tiles, Bristol Paint, Carpet Court and Hume Doors. Mario will also get my Rapid Renovation Formula and $1,000 in cash PLUS a styling session with Darren Palmer himself valued at $3,000.
That Rapid Reno Mate App is going to come in handy for these renovations!
Congrats Mario! Happy Renovating!
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