An ergonomic bathroom is the key to a clever, contemporary design. From where to place your taps, to where not to place your toilet roll holder, these are nine smart tips and mistakes to avoid when renovating your bathroom:

Elevate the Height of Your Vanity
Don’t forget to consider height when doing your measurements of length and depth of different sinks and vanities. Although 850 millimetres is the traditional standard height for bathroom vanities, many designs are surfacing with heights up to 1000 millimetres.
If you are mounting a bowl basin on top of your vanity, make sure to rethink increasing the height. You don’t want to end up with your sink at an uncomfortable level.
Reconsider the Placement of Your Bath & Shower Taps
In order to avoid getting splashed by a gush of water as you turn on your shower taps, rethink the placement of your taps. It is a common design flaw to position the taps too close or straight below to the shower head. Alternatively, try placing your taps on a facing wall.
In combined shower and bath, do not place you’re your shower taps behind a fixed glass screen. To care for your back, avoid this placement so that you do not have to reach awkwardly behind the screen whilst leaning over the tub.
Space Out Your Sink Rim & Tap
Leaning forward to splash water on your face and knocking your forehead on the tap comes hand-in-hand when the dimensions between your sink and spout are not considered. Avoid combining a long tap with a short sink, and aim to have a head-length between the rim of your sink and the spout of your tap.
Reassess the Position of Your Wall-Mounted Vanities
To avoid further bumps to your head, consider using sliding doors or making the vanity flush with the wall. Either of these solutions will allow plenty of clearance even when the doors are open.
Ditch Deep Cupboards For Drawers
Drawers are offered in countless designs and depths to hold all of your toiletries. Ergonomically, it is simpler to see the contents of an open a drawer, as opposed to reaching in the back of a cupboard.
Make Cleaning Easier From the Get-Go
Employing wall-hung vanities and toilets, and freestanding footed bathtubs; every inch of floor is stress-free to mop and vacuum. You will save hours on scrubbing mouldy grout with an aching back.
Prevent a Bathroom Floor Covered in Puddles
The simplest way to avoid slippery surfaces in your bathroom is to position your towel rails within an arms reach of your shower or bath. In order to keep your wet and dry zones separate, do not keep your towels on the other side of the room. A top tip for you if the aesthetics of your bathroom are compromised by placing your towel rails near your bath or shower, position a subtle wall hook in this practical position to hang a towel before you turn on the taps.

Don’t Stretch For Your Toilet Paper
Try to position the toilet roll holder beside the toilet within easy reach, instead of on the wall behind – save yourself a stretch.
Don’t Forget Some Seating
The bathroom isn’t an obvious place to sit, but it can be used for so many purposes: rest rolled up towels for guests, double as storage spaces or display plants or candles. Seating can range from a chair or stool to an elaborate built-in construction.

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