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We all wondered how to painting the wall perfectly!
Ever wished you had a tradie in your pocket to answer all your DIY questions?
My trades are a source of pure gold information for me, and where I can, I want to make sure I bottle that up and deliver it to you.
Dan from Newy Paint Crew has his top tips on painting with enamel paint for you!
Click the link for the whole video below, and Dan will go through all of the details with you!
Painting with Enamel
#Tips one – Stir The Can Properly Before Use It
Stir The Can Properly Before Use It
It can get very thick and very heavy, so you need to make sure it’s got a nice consistent flow when it’s pouring out of a can. You don’t want it coming out in clumps or lumpy throughout.
#Tips two – Check All The Information
Have a look at the back of the can and check out the thinning method. They have a recommendation on the back and said how much thinning agent you should put it in. In this case, we are using enamel so we’ll use turpentine, that’s what I like to do. I like to put a little touch of it in there, just to make it flow a little bit better. You want to make sure it is not running off the brush so it’s nice and easy to put on.

#Tips three – Tip It Off
When you’re using enamel, it’s essential to make sure you’ve got a nice consistent flow, and that what we call in the trade: we tip it off.
We put the paint on in a nice consistent way. We spread it out a little bit, and then what we want to do is get a nice fresh brush, with not too much on it, just wet, and just ran it over in one way.
Tipping it off, so it’s run all one way, we’ll try and keep the whole length of the substrate.

The reason we use enamel skirtings is to help keep them clean, and that’s a very solid finish, so it makes it a lot easier when we’re cleaning up scuff marks and animal marks and whatever gets on there.
Thanks for tuning in! If you loved what you saw in this post, I’ve popped a link to one of my latest posts HERE, where I go into more detail for you.
Make sure you’re following me on Instagram to see my latest design and reno inspiration. You can find me @NaomiFindlayOfficial or click the link HERE.
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