With Australia having the worst termites in the world, we have many levels treated timber that can be used to prevent the sometimes devastating effects of termite damage. But ever wondered what timber treatment for termites is the right timber treatment to use and where to use it?
Well, we have the answer for you! Josh from Ferris Building, talks all about which H2, H3, and H4 timber and which treatment is best for you.

So if you ever left wondering which timber treatment is best for your project, keep reading to find out!
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H2 is the blue pine timber framing that you usually will see on jobs. We use it as timber framing as it is in-wall and has a coating around the outside, that technically can get up inside
H3 is above ground but can be used externally treated pine. It is usually treated and coated more than H2.
H4 is sleepers that everyone normally uses, it’s the in-ground timber stuff.
So which timber treatment is best for you?
Going forward H2 is probably the most supplied pine timber framing. It may not be as good as your old CCA, but hey at least they don’t have the nasty effects .
However, considering how H2 is treated some renovators can see the health and environmental risk. So for anyone that wants a green home, you can always use non-treated products but we would recommend getting someone in to inspect your home every couple of years to monitor termite activity.
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