The Lorn Rose Farm is an amazing property with opportunity everywhere! Apart from the main homestead there are barns, cottages, studios, and a greenhouse for the roses. The condition of the structures vary from liveable to derelict and overrun through years of neglect.
Simply CLICK on an image below to see where we are up to with each part of the project.
One of Denise's philosophies with the creation of this amazing experience at the Lorn Rose Farm is the concept of the energy, intention and LOVE. Our purpose is to bring these elements into each space, so that those visiting the farm will feel the energy and the love. As such, nearly ALL the pieces that come into the farm are weathered and it is our role to make them wonderful!
Below are a few of the MANY pieces we have made over. Simply CLICK HERE or on an image below to see both vintage and up-cycled makeovers and EXACTLY how I did it.
Instantly download all these colours for FREE, print them and start your own furniture make overs knowing exactly what colour you need.