Hi, guys. Naomi Findlay here; Australia’s Rapid Renovation Expert. Today, I want to talk to you about the importance of strategy. Many of you have heard me speak previously about the importance of having a honed area or a patch that we’ve focused our property search on. I’m a big believer in life that […]
Building Three Schools in Three Years
Anyone who has met me or has seen me teach knows that I am super passionate about education. I am truly inspired by the difference education makes in the lives of women and children around the world. Sadly, not all children are as fortunate as my four beautiful children. In the country we live I […]
2017 Rapid Renovation Formula May Review
In the lead up to the August 2017 Rapid Renovation Formula event, I wanted to reminisce on what the May 2017 Rapid Renovation Formula event had to offer. The Rapid Renovation LIVE learning experience is a one of a kind weekend where you are able to transform your life as a professional renovator and develop […]
How to: Measure Plantation Shutters
When selecting what type of shutters you are wanting to be installed on your window it is important to measure the window size to ensure you have the best fitting shutters possible. When you are renovating a property, having amazing looking shutters is a great value add. Typically, when you are renovating, the windows stay […]
How Upgrading Your Bathroom with Colour is a Game Changer
When someone says “bathroom” what colour do you think of? I bet, for most of you at least, your immediate reaction is white. White is accessible, it is clean, and most importantly, white is timeless. The bathroom is not an area most people put effort into to look homely and cosy. When renovating, I’m sure […]
Mirrors: The Best Accessories for your Space
Mirrors can completely transform a space. The best thing about mirrors is that they use light to create illusions and trick your mind into thinking a space is much bigger than it actually is. I’m not talking about the mirrors you see at carnivals that make you look stubby and short in one mirror, and […]
Meet Mike and Tracy | Rapid Renovation students
As a renovation expert and educator, there is no greater feeling for me than seeing the amazing renovation results that can be made by following my Rapid Renovation Formula! I absolutely love when you all share your amazing renovation results. I love seeing the power of renovation! Not only that, but I love motivating your […]
3 Things that I Always Consider when I’m Goal Setting
Hey, guys. Naomi Findlay here; Australia’s rapid renovation expert. Happy New Year to you all. I’m actually away on the amazing Coast of New South Wales with my family and good friends to start the New Year. There’s been lots and lots of talk around the table on what is a great New Year’s Resolution. […]
Knowing What Paint to put on What Surfaces
Hey, guys. Naomi Findlay here; Australia’s Rapid Renovation Expert. I am bringing you a new success tip for this month. As you can see, I’m actually on location at a local paint store. I want to talk to you about one of the challenges that so many renovators have experienced over the years. That is […]
The Importance of Surrounding Yourself with a Mastermind Team
Hey, guys. It’s Naomi Findlay here; Australia’s rapid renovation expert. I am back with you for another success tip. This time, I would love to talk to you about teams. For those of you who have heard of Napoleon Hill and Think and Grow Rich, you would know that he studied the most successful people […]